A Party In the Lab

I swear there must have been a party in the lab and I just missed my invitation as I arrived at my normal time to see Rooth today and the lab was fool of people playing with their rattie girls. It offered a good chance to get Rooth a little more used to commotion and a chance to get used to the sound of the clicker as other people were starting to use theirs. I want to wait at least until tomorrow before I go that next step, but I was glad that she was at least exposed to the sound. At first she jumped, but she started to quickly habituate herself to the sound and didn’t jump as much so long as the clicker wasn’t right next to her. We’ll just have to see for when i start pairing the click with food.

Also, I was able to talk to some people with small rats, including Brian. They all reassured me that their girls weren’t gaining 10 grams a day and that Rooth was normal.

1 Response to “A Party In the Lab”

  1. 1 juliannaetaylor September 9, 2007 at 7:47 pm

    Lilly seems to get anxious as well when there is a lot going on. Their sense of hearing is so keen and I think that is why they get anxious when there are lots of people in the lab.

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September 2007